UCH and legislative initiatives
There’s a lot going on!
On Monday, representatives from UCH unions addressed the UCH Board of Directors and urged them to support keeping UCH a public hospital. President Kevin Claffey, Dr. Laks, and Dr. Audrey Chapman, Ph.D. spoke on behalf of UCHC-AAUP. Please click here for text. Everyone did an excellent job and thank you for making your way to the meeting in spite of the storm!
Tomorrow is the State Appropriations Committee hearing at 5:30pm. Please let us know if you can attend or send in testimony.
Our suggestion for the content of testimony is that it argue in support of funding our public hospital. The content could focus on the care we provide to the public, our research and educational efforts for the public good. We also want to support legislative relief for the high unfunded liability fringe cost, specifically as it relates to research.
All are welcome as we are trying to have a good showing. It will also be a great opportunity for us to meet with our lobbyist to discuss legislative happenings.
On Feb. 21, UCH scientists testified at the Higher Ed Committee seeking relief from the high costs of the unfunded pension liability passed on to research grants. Scientists also submitted testimony online. If you’d like to see the testimony, please click here. Thank you to everyone who provided testimony!
If you are not currently a member of UCHC-AAUP, we encourage you to join our advocacy organization. Please click here for a membership form.
Kevin Claffey, Dr. Laks, and Audrey
Chapman after speaking with BOD on Monday.