About Us
Mission Statement
The purpose of the AAUP Chapter at the University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC-AAUP) shall be to further the professional interests of its faculty members, in concert with the mission of the UCHC, by promoting the highest standards of excellence in education, research, clinical care, public service, and a fair and equitable workplace.
Who We Are
The University of Connecticut Health Center – American Association of University Professors (UCHC-AAUP) is the Chapter of the AAUP that represents nearly 700 faculty working at least 20% time at the UConn Health Center. The Chapter protects and furthers the interests of the UCHC faculty by negotiating improvements in wages, benefits, and working conditions and by protecting members of the bargaining unit from arbitrary and discriminatory actions by administrators that are in violation of the CBA and UConn policy. The Chapter is also responsible for protecting academic freedom and participation in shared governance of the Health Center. The Chapter participates in legislative and political action to ensure that higher education in the State of Connecticut is adequately funded and that public education in general is protected.
UCHC -AAUP was designated the collective bargaining agent of the faculty at the Health Center by the Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations after a vote of the faculty on November 17 and 18, 2009. The first contract between the faculty and the administration was signed on June 16, 2011.
Current Contract
The collective bargaining agreement between UConn Health and UCHC-AAUP can be viewed here: 2021-2024 CBA
The UCHC-AAUP Constitution can be viewed here: UCHC-AAUP Constitution
Executive Council
Laura Haynes: President-LH@uchc-aaup.org
Vice President
Ion Moraru: vice.president@uchc-aaup.org
Mark Maciejewski: treasurer@uchc-aaup.org
Basic Science:
Melissa Caimano Melissacaimano@gmail.com
Roshan Sharafieh roshanak_s@hotmail.com
Clinical Medicine:
Michael Baldwin michaelbaldwinmd@gmail.com
Ruchir Trivedi ruchiranshu@yahoo.com
Martin Freilich mafreilich@gmail.com
Alix Deymier alix.c.deymier@gmail.com
Collective Bargaining Council Representatives
Basic Science:
Bruce Mayer bmayeruchc@gmail.com
1 Vacancy
Clinical Medicine:
Jason Carrese Jcarrese487@gmail.com
Bob Arciero arcierobob@gmail.com
Ian McNeil imcneill@gmail.com
1 Vacancy
2 Vacancies
Executive Director
Lara Shepard-Blue executive.director@uchc-aaup.org